lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Estimados Padres y Apoderados

Junto con saludarles les comunico que ya empezamos el 2do trimestre y  por ende, comenzamos las evaluaciones; a continuación se les adjunta las fechas de los tests.

1th grade
English c/1 25th June
Unit 2 pages: 10-11-12-13
Vocabulary: classroom commands  take out your books, put away your books, point the clock etc classroom objects
Grammar: how are you? I am fine.  My name is kate  what’s color is this red orange yellow green etc 
2nd grade
English c/1 25th June
Unit 2 outdoors  pages: 46-47-48-49
Vocabulary weather , abilities sunny,  rainy etc
Throw a ball, catch a ball, kick a ball etc
Grammar: it’s sunny, how’s the weather?  Can you kick a ball? No, I can’t / yes, I can.
Flowers, tree, trees, cloud, clouds etc
How many flowers are there?  There is a flower
There are three flowers 
3rd grade
English c/1 26th June
Unit 2 pages:10-11-12-13
Vocabulary: run, swim, sing, dance, key, candy bar, comic book etc
Grammar: possessive.  whose bag is that? His, here (Jenny’s) What do you have? I have a tissue.  Do you have a key? Yes, I do. No , I don’t
4th grade
English c/1 26th June
Unit 2 locations pages:46-47-48-49
Vocabulary: study English, talk on the telephone, watch tv, practice the piano, sure, at work at the library, at home, at the zoo etc
Grammar: where are you? I am at the park. What do you do every afternoon? I study English every afternoon. Where is he? He is at school
Is he at school? Yes, he is/ no, he isn’t
5th grade
English c/1 26th July
Unit 2 pages 10-11-12-13
Vocabulary places at the school
Grammar pronouns present simple / past verb to be
6th grade
English c/1 26th July
Unit 2 pages 46-47-48-49
Vocabulary  related to activities clean house, make bed
Grammar: future plans
7th grade
English c/1 28th June
Unit 2 pages 36-37-38-39-40-41-42
Vocabulary clay, guy, journey, sunset, snow, geysers, capital, costumer, conqueror,masks etc
Grammar: past simple regular and irregular verbs. 
8th grade
English test c/1 29th June
Unit 2 pages: 36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45
Vocabulary: food, sweets, French fries, wake, brain etc
Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns
How many ...? how much...?
Simple present tense  affirmative, negative questions auxiliary verbs do does pronouns

Saludos Cordiales, que tengan una alegre semana y que Dios les bendiga

Miss Karen
English Teacher