lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

April, English tests 2012

 Estimados Padres y Apoderados,

Junto con saludarles y desearles una muy buena semana, a continuación les informo las fechas de evaluaciones que tendrán sus hijos para el  mes de Abril y sus contenidos.

OBS: De primero a sexto básico el libro a utilizar es Let's go.

1ro básico
Unit 1 Things for School
Pages 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Greetings Hello
Greetings Good Bye
Vocabulary classroom objetcs
What is it?
It is a: pencil, eraser, etc.
16 de Abril test coef 1
2do básico
Unit 1
Pages 38 – 39 – 40 – 41
Vocabulary things that you can do
Vocabulary toys
16 de Abril test coef 1

3ro básico
Unit 1 At School
Pages 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Things for school
Whats is it?
17 de Abril test coef 1
4to básico
Unit 1 Occupations
Pages 38 – 39 – 40 – 41
Vocabulary feelings
Vocabulary daily activities
Grammar she – he
19 de Abril test coef 1
5to básico
Unit 1 At School
Pages 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Grammar don’t have any
Grammar have some
Vocabulary food snacks
Vocabulary school supplies                  
19 de Abril test coef 1
6to básico
Unit 1 Transportation
Pages 38 – 39 – 40 – 41
Travel times
Grammar have,-ing verbs
Grammar adverb of frequency (always, never, etc)
Vocabulary time and transportations
19 de Abril test coef 1
7mo básico
Unit 1 Welcome, Friends
Pages 10 – 11 –  12 – 13
Vocabulary like – hate – enjoy – don’t like
Grammar pronouns, verbs ing
Numbers, preferences
Personal informations
18 de Abril test coef 1
8vo básico
Personal information
Grammar pronouns, verbs ing
Present simple
Auxiliary verbs do – does
Spelling rules for third person singular (she – he – it)
13 de Abril test coef 1

Sin otro particular, esperando que tengan una muy buena semana, y que Dios les bendiga, se despide cordialmente.

Miss Karen
English Teacher